March Conferences

Hello Families!

Its the return of "In-Person School Conferences!"

Thank you to the parents and guardians that have booked a conference time to meet with me and have your child demonstrate evidence of their progress in reading. I'm happy to discuss any questions or provide suggestions that may be helpful during daily reading time at home.

The hours I am available will be 4:30pm - 7:00pm on Thursday, March 9 and 8:00am - 11:15 am on Friday, March 10, 2023.  Conferences can be booked through CBE Power School. 

I will likely be set up in the Literacy Room in the Library Office.  Your child can show you the way!

Conference Link:

I know the students are eager to show you the Flyleaf Decodable Book Series Online... on Ipads, mobile devices, and laptops.  These Online Versions of the stories can provide children with another resource to utilize st home, while reinforcing skills practiced during guided reading.are provided at no-cost till the end of the 2023 School Year.  Students are encouraged to read along and as a "BONUS"...there is HOMEWORK!

Free E-Book Library

Learning Intention:

I can answer questions that require making interpretations or giving my own opinion based on my background knowledge and information in the story.

We've been working hard the past couple weeks on formulating and asking questions; and answering questions that are quickly recalled, or easily based on what we see, or facts of the story...Who are the characters? Where and when does the story take place? etc.

Now we've been focusing on confidently answering questions that involve interpretations and opinions based on personal experiences, and text in the book. Answers may not be apparent and may differ amongst the group, allowing for further enriching discussion about the literature.

On Friday we played a game to integrate their Q and A  practice based on the Weekly Book and to facilitate  some "Book Talk" amongst group members.


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