Revved up for Reading

Welcome Grade 1 and 2 Families to Ms. Grant's Reading Rally Blog!

Please note :  Most recent blogs will be at the bottom...technical difficulties with formatting to the top. Blogs will be updated every two weeks!

I am super excited to be working with the Grade 1 and 2 teams to support student reading again this year!  

Our goal is to have students develop a foundation for becoming understanding, engaged, fluent and accurate readers that read for both joy and information. By connecting with the literature they read, and by using various decoding and comprehension strategies that we will share in our blog over the coming months, students will develop confidence and skill in becoming independent and proficient readers.

Every 2 weeks a new blog will be posted highlighting one or two weekly learning intentions and snapshots that provide evidence of student learning in action through new decoding strategies, resources, activities and literacy games.

This past week, we have been working on developing routines, relationships,  and trust within our reading groups.  We've been excited to dive into our new Dandelion Decodable Books  and also continue with the Flyleaf Publishing Decodables that were purchased last year for our school, and has an online component which parents can take advantage of at home for the 2022/2023 school year.



Learning Intentions:  

I can get information from pictures in text to help decode unfamiliar words and increase comprehension of the story.

I can recognize and analyze sounds and letters in words.  

We have been reinforcing and reviewing the difference between letter symbols ( graphemes) and sounds of the letters (phonemes).  

For example,  using alphabet card decks, we ask "What sounds do we hear in cat?"  /k/a/t/  -What letters?  c-a-t.  Then students are asked to replace the  first   sound  /k/ with the /s/ sound......s-a-t ---->  "sat".

This helps  to provide the foundations of segmenting and blending  sounds when decoding increasingly complex words.

Helpful Resources

Online Resources for Parents and Students - decodable books and followup activities:

If you have any questions or concerns I am always available by email at or through the school directory.  


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