I Wonder Why There's So Many Questions?

 Hello Families!

These past couple weeks our reading groups have been working on developing comprehension skills through questioning - both generating questions and answering questions.

Learning Intentions:
I can use question words  like  "Who?" “What?” "When?" "Where and “Why?”
I can make sure I understand by asking simple questions. I can make sure I understand by asking specific questions. I can ask questions to learn more information.

TIP:  When reading with your child,   you may encourage conversation and comprehension by asking "I wonder why the character......, or......"I wonder if......then......?   This gets your child thinking at a deeper level about the actions, events, and characters in the story.  It allows them to bring in personal experiences and prior knowledge to their reading to enhance and further develop their understanding of the text.

Fun Fridays

Ask your child what we do on Fun Fridays...ask them to tell you about a word game or reading game they played to consolidate the skills we've been working on.

We combined "Sight Word Swat" - with Bananagrams to make a new game!

Sight words swat is a game you can play with sight words on cards.  Using a fly swatter or your hand,
sight words are read out and the students try to swat the word they hear called out.

Bananagrams can be played with in a variety of ways.  Students can independently build words they know, they can build word families,  build a word that rhymes with. cat..., build words with a long 
/e/ sound in it.  (Be/See)


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